Tamper Evident Square Salad Bowls
VG Clear PET Tamper Evident Square Salad Bowls are ideal for airport, supermarkets, wholesale clubs, weddings, parties, and catered events. They are perfect for leaf or pasta salads, cut vegetables, cut fruit, nuts, candies and other specialty foods.. Available in 5” (Small), 7.5” (Medium) and 9” (Large) convenient diameters. These square bowl options are stackable and increase the shelf space efficiency by 25% over round bowls. Crystal clear lids give the consumer a clear view before buying and they are also crack-resistant and spill-proof to ensure safe and stable handling. Black bases available in custom option.
It will enhance the look of your product with their clarity but also feature a patented security button lock tab feature which inhibits tampering. Tight lid fit prevents spills - in the store and on the go - and helps maintain product freshness.